This poem was written shortly after Dustin's death and is inscribed on his urn!

"Our Beautiful Blue Eyed Son"

On the 24th day of March in nineteen eighty one

your mother gave birth to you, our beautiful blue eyed son

At six fifty seven that morning you finally did arrive

Not a flaw, we watched in awe, as you came alive

We held you, loved you, they took prints of your feet

wrapped up cozy we took you home for your sisters to meet


The coming years saw some tears, but mostly tears of joy

as our hearts filled with love for our beautiful blue eyed boy

In our loving family we thought you would always stay

 came a cold gray December day when G-d took you away

Hearts are filled with anguish, eyes are filled with tears

now that you are gone from us for our remaining years


Many days ago you left us, many days ago we cried

though our lives still go on the tears have not all dried

The first thing every morning, the last thing every night

thoughts of you still linger, although you're out of sight

Through heart break, heart ache, cut by death's knife

we will always remember you and celebrate your life


Our eternal wish for you is one of peace and joy,

with love from all your family to our beautiful blue eyed boy

Shalom Our Son



 Kelli's Tribute

The following eulogy was written by our middle daughter Kelli, who read it during the Memorial Service for Dustin. After she wrote it she requested that other family members edit it and offer suggestions regarding changes she should make. There was only one unanimous suggestion "leave it as it is". This is Kelli's verbatim tribute to Dustin and the very special relationship they had.

"I would like to share with you a special gift my brother gave to me. It is the love I have for hockey. My brother started playing hockey around the age of 7. Since he was 9 years younger then me, that made me 16. The more Dustin played, the more interested I became, and the better he became the more I enjoyed watching him play. It wasn't long and Dustin became extremely gifted at his favorite sport. Not only was he leading his teams in goals and assists, he was also leading in penalty minutes. I liked to refer to him as an aggressive player! As Dustin's love for hockey grew, so did my love for the game itself.

A few years passed and I thought it might be fun to actually play the game rather then just watch. After all, how hard could it be? My baby brother had been playing since he was 7. After a brief conversation with Dustin, he eagerly laced up my skates, grabbed a couple of sticks and to the ice rink in the back yard we went. It was only after stepping onto the ice for the first time that I realized this was going to be much more difficult then I had anticipated. Immediately Dustin was laughing, encouraging me on and skating circles around me. For the first time in my life Dustin was my coach!

Although Dustin was a great coach and inspiration to me, I still couldn't skate. I'd fall down and he would help me up. This happened over and over again. I'm not sure if it was my lack of coordination, my unsteady feet, or the continuous laughing we both did that day, but I just couldn't skate.

This is one of the fond memories I have of my Brother and the special gift he gave to me. The love of Hockey, I will cherish it always!"


March 24, 2009 - A Birthday Poem

Remembering 28 years ago in the early morn

It was a wee bit chilly on the day you were born

But that chill in the air just couldn't compare

to the warmth in our hearts and the love that was there

That love remains as it always will

With each passing day we think of you still

But today is special and we want you to know it

As we search our hearts for how best to show it

We would have sent a card, but alas we confess

We know you're in Heaven, but we don't have an address

We often feel your presence, we know you are there

through a glimpse of a shadow or a soft wisp of air

We are sure you will get this wherever you are

For wherever life takes us we know you're not far

You know our minds and what's in our heart

And what we wanted to say right from the start

We will love you forever and for this we pray

Have a Happy Birthday and a sunny nice day

Your loving family! 


The following was sent via email  to Dustin's family and friends the morning of March 24th 2011

Below the poem are some of the emailed responses.

March 24th is a day to remember

let us not dwell on that day in December

To properly celebrate the birth of Pooh

I offer this list of things we could do:

We can stop through the day & think for a while

of all of the times he made us laugh or smile

We could take out some photos from a happier day

and think about some funny things he would say

If we light a candle, close our eyes and pray

that would be fitting and certainly OK

But it's no fair crying and feeling all sad

today let's remember the time that he had

Remember those Legos and the things he could make

 while you're putting 30 candles on a birthday cake

Make his favorite sandwich of peanut butter & jelly

go to his webpage and read the tribute from Kelli

Click on reply and share with us all

a Dustin moment that you can recall

Tell about Dustin and that bird if you wish

or the time he caught the "very important" fish

Think of Jeopardy, puzzles and that spelling test

and all of the times he was at his best

When he was fixing a car or figuring things out

and things I forgot, I have no doubt

Let's give to Dustin a great birthday present

and think of him only in ways that are pleasant


> Wow!!! That was awesome!!! I can't write anything else, on account I can't see due to the amount of water in my eyes!! Happy Birthday baby brother. Nicole

>I was just talking about Dustin to a friend of mine yesterday. Talking about Dustin and Devon (bird) playing on the floor at my house for hours. :) :) It made me smile :) :) :) Happy Birthday, Dustin ....    Maeve

>I remember when we held our daughter back a year in school and all the subdivision kids teased her unmercifully, including Dustin. But, after she got home, he was the ONLY one who came over and apologized to her and told her that he was her friend and would never do that to someone again. Then he stayed and played with her. I remember that like it was today and it was almost 25 years ago. He was a great sensitive boy and we will remember him fondly.      Stacey

>What a great Poem! I could not have said it better myself!
You should Know that yesterday my kids and I decided to Google Dustins name. (Dustin Zold Kilbourn) We did it in memory of him and we wanted to see just what, if anything would come up. To our surprise many things came up! It was very exciting for us. (He has not been forgotten) Check it out for yourself.        Happy Birthday Little Brother, I love you!        Kelli

>Earl and Phyllis - I wish I had known him better, but I do know he was loved. Much Love Aunt Anne - and Uncle Jim




A few days before Dustin's birthday in March of 2012 each of Dustin's sisters were sent a package containing one of his T shirts along with a version of this poem.

In remembrance of the day your brother was born

I decided to send you a shirt he had worn

Heather's is faded and thin with a yellowish hue

and a hole in the back you can see right through

Kelli's is also faded and really quite a mess,

what all those stains are is anyone's guess

Nicole, yours is stained too & worse for the wear

at the collar you'll see a good sized tear

What you all do with your shirt is up to you

but allow me to make a suggestion or two

You could wear it any day you're just lounging around

or out planting flowers and digging in the ground

It would be perfect for when you are cleaning the house

or perhaps as casual attire under a shirt or a blouse

I doubt you would wear it for a night on the town

but when you're ready for bed it's a shorty night gown

Perhaps you'll just tuck it away in a drawer,

do what you please with this shirt that Pooh wore

You will think of things I didn't mention above

but I have no doubt that you will treat it with love!


March 24, 2012


Written December 1, 2013 in Memory of

 Dustin Zold Kilbourn   3/24/1981  -  12/1/2005


 It is hard to believe it's been 8 long years

since the day in December that started the tears

We think of you daily, and each night we pray

that Heavenly peace fills each and every day


I often wonder what these 8 years have brought

so allow me to share some things I have thought

By now Heaven's  five people have been revealed to you

the mysteries of life no longer concealed from you

By now you've met the Grandfather you did not know

and he has shared some stories from so long ago

By now you have also spent time with your Granpa Zold

your three minds working would be a sight to behold

By now you've shared some stories, had a laugh or two

played many games of chess and likely won a few

By now you've read all I have wrote thru this time

and smiled at my attempts to make it all rhyme

By now you've been greeted by Maise and welcomed Kalie Mae

to the Heavenly kingdom were you joyously play

By now you've guided our lives through the pain we have seen

and have been saddened to know that you can't intervene

By now you have come to be proud of your daughter Shalynn

and are pleased for the love from this family she is in

So Son those are some thoughts on my mind this day  

but by now I'm not sure what else I should say

 Closing is hard because I'm never sure how

so until next time I'll just say Bye Now!