Due to many technical problems with our old site builder we have started over with this site. It is still a work in progress as we add the U of M Scholarship recipients page, DZK Hockey Tournament page and the photo gallery. The site webmaster is solely responsible for any and all grammatical or spelling errors. Kindly report any errors noted to: Earl E. Kilbourn, Webmaster

at originaleek1@att.net

The DZK Memorial Foundation Mission Statement


The Dustin Zold Kilbourn Memorial Foundation is incorporated as a nonprofit organization established by our family to honor our son's life in a manner that he would enthusiastically endorse. The primary mission of our Scholarship Fund is to provide the experience of hockey for children who might otherwise be unable to participate in the game that Dustin loved and excelled in. Initially we focused on sponsoring children to attend Red Berenson's Hockey Camp at the University of Michigan. We have expanded that mission to include sponsorships for referee seminars, skating clinics and other hockey related activities.

We are frequently asked why our family chose hockey as a focus for memorializing our son. Although we have a separate History page, the following is the abridged version.

Dustin will always be remembered by his family and friends as a passionate hockey fan, one who began skating at the age of seven and blossomed into a skilled AAA player. Despite some reservations about the aggressive nature of hockey, his mother insisted "if the kid wants to skate, let him skate." And skate he did, whenever and wherever ice could be found, Dustin would skate. Some of our fondest memories are of watching him happily glide effortlessly around the rink, jersey billowing behind.

Hockey camps became a summer tradition for Dustin with the University of Michigan camp being his favorite. It was through those camps that he honed his hockey skills and realized the natural raw talent within. His interest in the game went beyond playing as he was also a USA Hockey referee and enjoyed teaching others to skate and play the game. Hence, the Mission of the DZK Memorial Foundation is to offer these opportunities to other interested youth.

Earl Kilbourn, President
Phyllis Zold-Kilbourn, Vice President
Nicole Stevens, Fundraising Coordinator
Kelli Dufty, Scholarship Selection Chair
Heather Garcia, Financial Advisor

6151 Cold Spring Trail, Grand Blanc, Michigan | 810 695 2520